Welcome to Our Blog!

Hi, and welcome to our blog!

We are John and Lydia, and our sons Nathan and Patrick (and our dogs, Sarah and Stumpy).  About three years ago we made the decision to move to Germany in order to escape the madness of Brexit. 

And we had a plan... but as Robert Burns wrote in 1785 "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry". And awry they certainly went.

The plan was to rent a house in Germany for a few months while we looked for a house to buy. In any case I would need to be employed in Germany for at least six months before any mortgage company would even consider us for a mortgage. A simple plan that requires a simple execution, right?


What we thought would be a straightforward process actually turned out to be anything but.  We now find ourselves in the situation of actually building our own home from scratch.

For anyone interested, this Blog will tell the story of how we got to where we are now. We will also (try to) post regular updates to record progress and significant milestones along the way. We hope you enjoy following our story, and we warmly welcome your comments and feedback.


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